Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Neptune and the Left

This article originally appeared here.  

Astrologers have long noted a connection between Neptune to the political and cultural Left, but almost always briefly and in passing. Neptune has managed to avoid the spotlight with regard to political astrology and full extent of his effect on politics is invisible to the bulk of astrologers.

This research has shown a clear correlation between Neptune (or the South Node) to the political Left. The correlation is starkly visible in the realm of economics: Neptune (or South Node) in combination with Venus (or the Second House, or the rulers thereof) is present in virtually all of the hundreds of charts of economic leftists in my research. The pattern is particularly strong in the charts of persons who passionately support economic redistribution (e.g. Marx, Keynes, or Krugman) rather than merely cooperate with the party line. The astrological symbolism behind this correlation is obvious: Neptune (the dissolution of distinctions and boundaries) and Venus (money, material goods). The fact that this connection is not common knowledge in the astrological mainstream is a testament to the power of Neptune to act unseen. (Donna Cunningham noted in a lecture at the 2012 UAC conference that persons with an 8th House concentration were more likely to be dependent upon others for financial support, often through welfare programs. This is consistent with my observation here that economic leftism sometimes shows up as the South Node in the 2nd House and the North Node in the 8th House.)

The connection of Neptune (or South Node) to the political Left is interwoven into the fabric of modern culture, in addition to being prominent in astrological charts. For instance, it is a common stereotype that leftists will tend to merge (Neptune) their social and economic lives (Venus) and homes (Moon) together in large coastal cities (Neptune again, ruling water) while conservatives prefer more clearly defined boundaries regarding their property and social structures, more easily available in areas with lower population density. In Europe as well as America it is states bordering the water that tend to institute large state-welfare systems and collectivized medicine -- coincident with economies that periodically "dissolve" as per the Neptunian paradigm.

The Left is more egalitarian and fluid (Neptunian) with regard to socially acceptable roles of gender (Venus). On the Right it seems culturally more acceptable to treat the sexes as inherently different (with both positive and negative consequences). Conservative pundits often observe that female political personalities on the Right are more attractive (i.e. Venusian) than those on the Left. There is a similar observation about male political personalities on the Left being more beautiful than those on the Right. These are arguably Neptunian effects.

Neptune's affiliation with all things foreign expresses itself in policies popular on the Left: avoidance of aggression against foreign nations (while aggressively taxing and regulating small businesses at home), opening borders to foreign immigration, and making education and other government programs more amenable to speakers of foreign languages. Mainstream right-wingers display a somewhat opposite behavior, demanding increased freedoms for native citizens but happily supporting government-sanctioned murder outside the border (carried out, paradoxically, by a socialized military). Both sides view aggression as acceptable in one arena but not in another: Neptune helps to indicate where that aggression occurs.

Neptune's effect on art also expresses itself in the Left/Right cultural divide. Popular music favored by the cultural Right (such as Country music or "Classic Rock") leans to the more stylistically conventional and displays more craftsmanship than innovation. Music on the cultural Left may be more transcendant or imaginative, often at the expense of discipline or refinement. It is also "hidden in plain sight" that that most artists and musicians displaying a very high degree of (Neptunian) creativity lean politically to the Left and that Hollywood (ruled by Neptune) also leans leftward. Neptune's rulership of the world of fashion is also easy to see: one can take it for granted that the hipster and the fashion mogul are both going to live on the political Left.

Neptune's victim-savior dynamic is very much visible on the vanguard of leftist social discourse, particularly at schools. Modern education since the neo-Marxist Frankfurt School has continually taught of the victims of Western civilization and the White Man. These victims (Blacks, women, gays, etc.) must be "saved" from the White Man, usually by the State (never mind that White Man generally runs the State). This education tends to overlook the fact that groups who elude the arms of the compassionate nurturing State (e.g. American Jews, Asian Americans, despite well-documented oppression) tend to thrive far ahead of the "saved". As often stated by (Black) economists Walter Williams and Thomas Sowell, the state of Black America has imploded since the institution of the Great Society programs that claim to help them. Countless other such examples of the destructive effects of the State-as-Savior abound in the literature outside of the Neptunian political bubble. Neptune is far more interested in the perpetuation of the dynamic than in fostering self-sufficiency in those he helps.

While Neptune has much to recommend him in the realms of culture, art, and spirituality, his rulership over left-wing economics brings into serious question the integrity of redistributive economic systems as a whole, aside from the fact that such systems assume an incorruptible central authority capable of instantaneously ascertaining the needs of an entire population as they arise. Neptune brings to the forefront genuine social and economic concerns, but then proposes cures which make the disease worse. Witness in the 2010's the inevitable collapse of the Neptunian "social democracies" of Europe, which in the end will see a die-off of the dependents of well-intentioned but unstable social welfare systems. The bodies have already been piling up in Greece. Neptune is not known for reliability and clarity: should we trust him with our material well-being? Neptune has ways to keep us from asking, or even thinking of, this question.

Neptune rules the mode of consciousness of young children, inhabiting a world run by forces beyond control and understanding. In the mysterious Neptunian world of the child, needs are not met by working and trading one's hard-earned resources with others for mutual advantage: needs are magically fulfilled by the powers-that-be, godlike parents, when the child demands they be met. This magical view of how needed goods reach the public (they are provided by the powerful when the childlike people demand them -- work to actually create the goods is not needed) is ubiquitous in far-Leftist social discourse. Socialist flyers pasted to lampposts in liberal American urban centers quite seriously declare that the proletariat need only demand its "rights" and the need to work at all will miraculously vanish. This childlike view of economics is an appropriate and necessary phase of human development for the very young. As a mode of perception in the adult world, it spells economic turmoil, war, and death as people stop producing the goods they require to survive and adopt predation over production.

In the political realm, the very concept of "the collective" as a tangible entity is arguably a Neptunian dream with no physical reality. The human collective, the "social" on which "the social contract" rests, is merely an idea which generally does not reside in all the minds of those it claims to include. It is a convenient abstraction, the definition of which moves fluidly to meet the whims of its promoters. In fact, it is very often the promoters of the idea of the collective who most flagrantly violate the idea by exempting themselves from the fictional responsibilities of the collective. One need only examine the exuberantly wasteful and consumptive lifestyles of Al Gore or any Communist leader to see that "the collective" is not only a romantic notion but very often a lie used to justify a lust for power. More social good is done in the world by those who recognize the inherent right of all individuals to to act freely as long as such actions do not harm other individuals.

The rulership of the lord of dreams and delusion over the political Left extends into the Left's view of itself and its history. True to the Neptunian archetype, the Left's history of itself is highly romanticized, exaggerating elements of its heroism and compassion, and brushing off inconvenient truths which do not agree with the fairy tale. Some examples: Mao Tse Tung, the greatest mass murderer in human history, whose crimes are often brushed over or forgotten on the Left; Che Guevara, a homicidal maniac who enjoyed personally executing anyone who disagreed with him, still adorns T-shirts of Neptune's children; Franklin Delano Roosevelt, whose policy of willfully destroying the American food supply during the Dust Bowl demolishes any claim to a humanitarian legacy; Al Gore, whose deep ties to Ken Lay and Enron remain unknown to the public and whose ethanol subsidies resulted in the deaths of 10 million of the world's most impoverished per year; the minimum wage, which was originally instituted as a way of keeping blacks out of the American work force; Social Security, which, when it was implemented, was set beyond the life expectancy of the average black male, essentially making it a tax on being black; the deep eugenecist roots of the Progressive movement; the complete failure of both Keynsian and Friedmanite economists to predict any of the major economic disasters of the 20th century; the consistent correlation of the welfare state with increased unemployment and povery...

The deceptiveness of Neptune's children regarding their own history extends far beyond merely a desire to view one's history in a more favorable light than fact provides. In the deeper leftist circles, far above and beyond the sight of the well-meaning rank-and-file, the deceptions are very deliberate. The official crest of the socialist Fabian Society is, quite literally, a wolf in sheep's clothing; this reflects the organization's mission of injecting socialist ideology and policy under other guises. Original members of Greenpeace have long since left the organization and their movement, complaining that their original vision of conservation and environmental awareness has been co-opted by "watermelons" (green outside and Red inside). The presumably conservative National Review and the neo-conservative movement were both from inception populated by hard-left Trotskyites. Deception, both willful and otherwise, is also one of Neptune's gifts to humanity.

The end of Neptune's Age of Pisces will be a great loss to humanity in the form of artistic and spiritual depth and creative imagination. It may also, however, herald an age in which hyper-idealism and delusion do not rule humanity's poltical and economic processes as much as do boring intelligence and cold logic. The poor and downtrodden of the world may have a better chance at surviving and improving their lot in life under a social structure not so heavily under the influence of the god of pipe-dreams and self-undoing.

A strong libertarian "Defensive Pallas" placement will often nullify Neptune's effects on economic views. In myth, Athena (Pallas) and Neptune were sibling deities who once undertook a contest to see which one the mortal humans appreciated more. Athena won by a single vote, and Neptune in his anger flooded an entire region. To this day, Neptune's most dedicated acolytes on the political Left passionately hate Palladian libertarians.

Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged is an outstanding if exaggerated depiction of the social, political, and economic effects of Neptune upon a population. Neptune is the nameless force of irrationality and destruction against which Rand's protagonists struggle in the novel. The author's personal experiences in Soviet Russia lend her a firsthand understanding of Neptunian energies lacking in most American-born authors.


astrolibertarianOctober 18, 2014 at 10:57 AM https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=SxIAp8vZzoc Tom Woods show about Left vs Right. ReplyDelete astrolibertarianDecember 21, 2014 at 11:27 AM Rothbard does not refer to astrology in his brilliant essay, but the madness of Neptune is nevertheless clear in his observations about the Left: http://www.lewrockwell.com/2014/12/murray-n-rothbard/the-menace-of-egalitarianism/

Write to me at "alan" + "@" + "zot.net".

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